Keep Me As The Apple of The Eye

Scripture:  Psa.17:8

Hello “Fan” – tastic Passengers, 

Did you know that, in the eyes of God your Father, you are very precious? (Isa.43:4). He also tenderly cares for you with His unfailingly love and has redeemed you with the "precious blood of Christ" His Son (1 Pet.1:18-20).  Consequently, His tender love has illuminated your once darkened heart with His light, in order to allow this magnificent light, to shine before men (Matt.5:16). Notwithstanding, the powers of darkness will sometimes try to bombard your pathway in life, with deadly obstacles, in an effort to stop that light from shining into the darkened hearts of men.  Ultimately, to this end the psalmist prays to the LORD for protection from his deadly enemies, saying, "keep me as the apple of the eye" (Psa.17:8a). 

The Apple of the Eye 

In Psalm 17:8a David used the image –“the apple of the eye” in order to demonstrate God the Father’s protection and care for His precious and cherished children. This English idiom, denotes the pupil of the eye, which is precious and is the most delicate part of the eye (Deut.32:10; Psa.17:8; Zech.2:8).  The Hebrew translation refers to it as “the little man of the eye,” because when you look in someone’s eyes, you see a reflection of yourself.  Furthermore, just as we protect the eye from injury, even so David wanted the Lord to protect him from his lethal enemies. 

The enemy had surrounded David and even though he was a masterful military tactician, he knew that without the Lord’s help he could not escape (1 Sam.23:19-29; Psa.17:9, 11). David knew that God was not only the Righteous Judge, but He was also the powerful defender of His people and the One who could shelter him and his men from the enemy. In Psalm 17 David used the Hebrew name El as he addressed the Lord.  This name El emphasizes God’s great power, for indeed, He is “the Mighty God.” David’s request in Psalm 17:7 reminds us of the Song of Moses in Exodus 15:1-19. David was confident that he could trust in Jehovah, a God of marvels, wonders and unfailing love (Exod.15:11, 13).  God’s right hand works for His people in rescuing them from the hand of the wicked (Exod.15;12). If God could deliver His people from Egypt, He could deliver David from the hand of Saul.  Furthermore, today, it is this same unchangeable God, who will also guard and protect you and I as “the apple of the eye” and deliver us from whoever or whatever is after our testimony, destiny and our lives. 

Why was it important for God to Keep David as the apple of the eye? 

God’s people are carriers of the Light of the World, Jesus Christ.  If the enemy can destroy them by some wicked means; then he would succeed in his effort to, deter the light from shining into the darkened hearts of mankind.  Notwithstanding, God will not allow such a thing to happen to His people who are precious to Him and will therefore, treasure, guard and protect them as “the apple of the eye.” 

In Matthew’s Gospel, the public, earthly ministry of Jesus is introduced by a citation from Isaiah, which described the coming of Messiah as the coming of a great light (Matt.4:12-17). 

In the next chapter of Matthew, when Jesus speaks to His disciples about their relationship to the world, He also uses light as an analogy (Matt.5:13-16). 

Because God’s people are very dear to Him, He handles them with tenderness and care (Psa.18:35).  He will also not allow the enemy to destroy them.  Instead, He whenever they are afflicted by the enemy, He will: 

-Contend with them that contend with you (Isa.48:25) 

-Fight against those who fight against you (Psa.35:1) 

-Strive with those who strive with you (Psa.35:1) 

God’s right hand works for His people in rescuing them from the hand of the enemy (Exod.15;12).  His love for us is unfailing (Zeph.3:17; Jer.31:3; John 3:16; Rom.5:8).  God delivered His people from Egypt, He delivered David from the hand of Saul and because of His unceasing love and mercy toward you, He will also hear your cry and come to your rescue.  Furthermore, the Lord will also guard and protect you and I as “the apple of the eye” and deliver us from whoever or whatever is after our testimony, destiny and our lives. 

Your Conductor, 


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