The Lord Our Helper

Scripture:  Heb.13:6 

Supporting Scripture:  Psa.46:1 

Hello “Fan” – tastic Passengers, 

In order for the born-again believer o triumph over the greatest dangers in life, we need someone to help us, in every situation.  Scripture tells us that, “God is our very present Help in times of trouble” (Psa.46:1b). He is our God who is all-sufficient to us; therefore, we will not fear when adversity arise.  Consequently, even though the people of God live in an exceedingly unstable world, God provides stability for us by Him being our Helper, whose help is adequate, available and appropriate, at all times (Psa.46:1). 

(A) The Lord’s help is adequate for His children because it is divine, Almighty Help –In life, whenever we are in need, friends come to our aid.  Nevertheless, quite often they cannot help us, even though at best, they may want to because their resources are inadequate. The Lord’s resources, on the other hand, are never inadequate. Scripture reveals to us, His name El-Shaddai, which means that He is ”the Enough God” (Gen.17:1). Consequently, if He is “|Enough” then, we are confident that His help for us will never run short. 

(B) This help is always AVAILABLE because the Lord who does not change, is with us – King Jehoshaphat knew that he could depend on the help of the Lord to defeat the mighty enemies which rose up to fight against him and the nation of Judah (2 Chron.20).  We can also skip over to the New Testament and read about Mary and Martha, who in their life circumstance of grief, concerning the death of their brother Lazarus said, “Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died” (John 11:21).  He is our very present help even in our emotional struggle, when we experience great loss and brokenness (Psa.46:1) 

(C) This help is APPROPRIATE to our individual needs because it is personally dispensed to each of us according to our need – We are all different individuals living in the world with diverse needs; and still the help of the Lord is appropriate to each and every situation 

Indeed, born-again believers today, much like the psalmist in Psalm 46 can be grateful for the strong refuge, strength and help we have in God.  This help will endure both through time and eternity.  He will help us in every circumstance because He is the God who is “Enough” and is always vailable for each of His children.  Furthermore, His help is also appropriate in every situation.  My dear friends, I encourage you today, to continue to trust in the Lord and place your faith and hope in His mercy at all times, no matter how unstable the world around you may seem. 

Your Conductor, 





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